
Definition of stars in the sky APK para Android

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Análisis Softonic

Definición de estrellas en el cielo

"Definition of stars in the sky" is an educational reference book on astronomy developed by Organ Tors. This free Android app provides a comprehensive overview of various aspects of modern astronomy, including the historical overview, practical astronomy, laws of celestial body motion, and the structure of the solar system. It also covers topics such as the sun, stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe as a whole.

The app offers real-time information about the starry sky and celestial objects beyond our solar system. It includes star maps, coordinates, classifications, and physical descriptions of the starry sky. The objects are grouped according to constellations, making it easier to find and identify them. The book also includes sections on double and multiple stars, variable stars, star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies, providing detailed information about each object.

With its comprehensive content and visual aids such as diagrams and photographs, "Definition of stars in the sky" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in astronomy. It requires basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry within the scope of a high school course. Whether you're a beginner or an enthusiast, this app will help you explore and understand the wonders of the starry sky.

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Definition of stars in the sky APK para Android

  • Gratuito

  • En Español
  • V 10
  • 4

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